
Find facts and information on Growth Analysis’ past and current changes of operations.

Growth Analysis was founded in 2009

The Swedish National Rural Development Agency, the Swedish National Board for Industrial and Technical Development, and the Swedish Institute for Growth Policy Studies were closed on 31 March 2009. The three authorities were replaced with two new ones – the Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth and Growth Analysis, the Swedish Agency for Growth Policy Analysis. The new agencies also took over the responsibilities of the Swedish Consumer Agency in the area of commercial service.

Read more: Growth Analysis until 2016

Growth Analysis changes 2017

Growth Analysis’ operations changed on 1 January 2017 at the request of the Government. As a result of this change, the agency’s overseas-based operations and certain regional development duties were moved. At the same time, Growth Analysis’ assignments were being extended to encompass more complex evaluations and analyses of commercial and growth policy relevance.

Read more: Growth Analysis establishment


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